Devenir freelance, c’est travailler en qualité d’indépendant, et ce, pour des missions généralement ponctuelles et courtes. Cependant, pour être travailleur indépendant, différentes démarches sont nécessaires.
Lou Reed’s electroshock therapy aged just 17 – because he was gay
A new book reveals the agony inflicted on the singer when he was 17. His parents referred him to a psychiatrist who prescribed shock therapy because of depression and homosexual urges.
A Ukrainian Artist Inserts Heroes From Classical Paintings Into Our World, It’s Eerie How Perfectly They Fit
Ukrainian artist Alla Mingaleva publishes in her Instagram collages, which depict the heroes of classical art in the modern world. The way she juxtaposes the historical figure in a modern environment makes it seem like they’re just ordinary people getting a drink in a bar, working in their office, walking down the street, etc. She says that her favorite part of this project is to place all these characters into an office environment.
70s Kitchen Innovations: Retro Design Ideas for the 21st Century
Imagine stepping into a time capsule, where avocado green and harvest gold reign supreme, and the kitchen is the heart of the home. Picture yourself
15 Ways to Make the Most of Summer 2023
we're not taking even one second for granted
Wie man Farben im Ouftit richtig kombiniert, zeigen wir Dir mit unseren `Color Combos` – Wertvoll Fair Fashion Journal
Diesen Monat dreht sich bei uns wie Man Farben Kombiniert für einen guten Look, ein super Outfit. Dafür bietet sich die neue Herbstsaison perfekt an, denn unser Sortiment ist voll mit Farben und Materialien, die nur darauf warten, von uns und Euch zusammengetragen zu werden!
Easy Bullet Journal 2022 Front Cover Page [and my bujo planners setup]
Discover my 2022 bullet journal setup. This 2022 DIY planner includes notebook pages such as key, index, future log, yearly trackers, etc.