De formación autodidacta, la obra del francés Jacques Couëlle (1902-1996) consiguió reinterpretar la arquitectura vernácula, especialmente la arquitectura mediterránea, desde un enfoque contemporáneo. Como oposición a la ortogonalidad promulgada por el racionalismo, su arquitectura se basa en la curva y las formas sinuosas, buscando la simbiosis con el entorno donde se inserta, de manera similar a la arquitectura troglodita.
I find stained glass to be so elegant. The many colors used, all the different shapes within a single piece, and the stories that can be told. I absolutely adore them…
500 Repurposed Photo Slides for Pantone Lights • Recyclart
585 framed photo slides of Pantone swatches, laminated glass!
Illustrating through Parallel Lines: Works by Owen D. Pomery
Owen D. Pomery has an educational and professional background in architecture and nowadays he works in pen and ink as a professional illustrator for architectural projects. Paralelly, he also makes editorial illustrations and narrative works. Some interesting sketches synthesize built forms...
Murphy Door Presents Top 5 Secret Doors in History
Throughout the history of mankind, we've been fascinated with hidden doors that lead to secret rooms.
10 Small Wooden Houses in nordic style
We just traveled around Sweden to capture and understand the Swedish building styles more and we came across some really beautiful wooden houses that we’d love to share with you guys. Let’s dive into these innovative, wooden wonders! Swedish Cottage style This home is very unique. We love the many nooks and details. Notice how […]
10 Days in Italy Itinerary: Ten Perfect Itinerary Ideas — ckanani
Planning a trip to Italy or hoping to someday? Italy holidays are my expertise! Here is the perfect 10 days in Italy itinerary.