Creative + detailed product design sketches that’ll inspire you to pull out your sketchbook!

Creative + detailed product design sketches that’ll inspire you to pull out your sketchbook!

Creative + detailed product design sketches that’ll inspire you to pull out your sketchbook!

We’re always on the lookout for blooming designers who manage to create inspirational concepts and renders! Though these concepts may not always see the light o

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38 Creative Photographers Who Know How To Use Shadows

38 Creative Photographers Who Know How To Use Shadows

Photography has many tips and tricks of the trade used both by amateurs and famous photographers - the many uses of light, perspective, darkness, exposure, and many other bits are what makes beautiful pictures. All of that wouldn't come to one unified look without shadows though as they are what gives the image depth or in some cases, changes the view entirely. Also, they're free, they're everywhere, and there's no limit to what you can do with them if you have the know-how.

Faces, Flowers and Frankie Cosmos: Lauren Martin on feeling clumsy and finding her natural style

Faces, Flowers and Frankie Cosmos: Lauren Martin on feeling clumsy and finding her natural style

Lauren Martin is a creative tour-de-force; with a career that spans music and illustration, with each practice as successful, satisfying and serene as one another. Anthropomorphic, joyful and unsto...