Drawing the Human Figure: Perspective & Foreshortening

Drawing the Human Figure: Perspective & Foreshortening

Drawing the Human Figure: Perspective & Foreshortening

This lesson will explore perspective & foreshortening of the human figure.

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I Create Realistic Pencil Art (11 Pics)

I Create Realistic Pencil Art (11 Pics)

I’m a mum of two and a pencil artist. I draw mainly in black and grey with my muses being musicians

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빌딩 그리는 법

주의해 주세요 (WARNING) 그림을 그리는 모든 사람들에게 도움이 되었으면 해서 작업한 내용입니다. 가능한 원작자분과 연락을 해서 허락을 얻은 다음에 번역하려고 노력 중입니다. 얼마든지 퍼가셔도 되지만, 원작자의 허가없이 상업적으로 사용하거나 수정하시면 안 됩니다^^;; 가급적 출처는 밝혀주시면 좋겠습니다. 원작자 출처 - https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62722497

Starters / Bell Ringers Archives – The Arty Teacher

Starters / Bell Ringers Archives – The Arty Teacher

Starters / Bell Ringers can get your lesson off to a productive start with every student focussing as soon as they walk in the room.

Creative December Headers For Your Bujo Spreads

Creative December Headers For Your Bujo Spreads

Wether you're setting up your weekly spread or montly log, these December headers will help you add some festive flair to your bullet journal!

The 35 Sexiest Movies of All Time

The 35 Sexiest Movies of All Time

Looking for a steamy night of streaming? Consider one of these sexiest movies of all time, including Cruel Intentions, Closer, and 365 Days.