“Du bekommst ein Geschwisterchen”, bei diesem Satz geht Kindern so einiges durch den Kopf. DIESE Reaktionen sind zum Schreien komisch.
The Key to Simplifying Your Digital Clutter
Identify out how to get a handle on digital clutter, and prevent it from piling up in the first place.
31 Funny Pics You Need To Humor Up Your Existence | Team Jimmy Joe
Retroly Vintage. Awesomely Cool. Inspirationally Strange.
34 Funny Pics That Prove Kids Are Weird | Team Jimmy Joe
As if we needed proof that kids are crazy strange
Reflection Perfection: 60 Photos That Show You How It’s Done
Capturing beautiful reflections is not as easy as it looks. It takes planning, patience, creativity and sometimes luck to be able to capture that perfect
capybara designed by Silvan Borer. Connect with them on Dribbble; the global community for designers and creative professionals.
How a Mom’s Facebook Post Ruined a Man’s Reputation For Life
These days it's hard to control how fast stories can spread across social media — especially those with misinformation. One father learned this lesson