Easy Bullet Journal Headers & Banners (15 Tutorials Anyone Can Follow)

Easy Bullet Journal Headers & Banners (15 Tutorials Anyone Can Follow)

Easy Bullet Journal Headers & Banners (15 Tutorials Anyone Can Follow)

Bullet Journal Headers add bling to your bujo planner pages or sketch book. Follow these simple header and banner drawing tutorial steps.

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Human Anatomy Drawing Ideas and Pose References – Beautiful Dawn Designs

Human Anatomy Drawing Ideas and Pose References – Beautiful Dawn Designs

If you're looking for human anatomy drawing ideas and pose references, I'm sharing some pretty cool anatomy references for you to check out.

Quand les artistes parlent de leur dépression : 25 dessinateurs illustrent ce que c’est que de vivre au quotidien avec la dépression

Quand les artistes parlent de leur dépression : 25 dessinateurs illustrent ce que c’est que de vivre au quotidien avec la dépression

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The 3 Oil Painting Rules You MUST Follow

The 3 Oil Painting Rules You MUST Follow

By Carrie Lewis in Art Tutorials > Painting Tutorials Many so-called “rules” of art are more suggestions than rules. It’s helpful to know what they are, but you don’t have to follow them rigorously to make great art. However—when it comes to oil painting, there are three rules that you absolutely, positively MUST understand and follow if you paint in layers, or your work will fail every time. They are: Fat over lean Thick over thin Slow drying over fast drying Why […]

25 интимных вопросов, которые стоит задать партнеру

25 интимных вопросов, которые стоит задать партнеру

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Artist’s hyper-realistic paintings of food look good enough to eat

Artist’s hyper-realistic paintings of food look good enough to eat

The stunning paintings of food are the work of Dutch artist Tjalf Sparnaay, who creates mouthwatering representations of everyday food such as fried eggs, iced cakes and mouthwatering pastries.

Photos: A Portfolio of England’s Eccentrics

Photos: A Portfolio of England’s Eccentrics

Meet Garech Browne, the Guinness heir whose father raised pigs in their drawing room. And Gavin Pretor-Pinney, founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society. Tim Walker captures a cross section of proud standard-bearers in Britain’s long tradition of eccentricity.