If you’re an artist or an aspiring artist looking for easy sketch ideas, look no further. I’ve rounded easy drawing ideas to inspire you.
The Pack Rules: Running a 5-K
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Pin Away Wednesdays: Amazing Animals and Wildlife – Follow The Yellow Brick Home
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28 Of The Most Breathtaking Astronomy Photographs Of The Year 2024 Have Just Been Revealed
Is there anything more breathtaking and surreal than outer space? Often, I feel like there absolutely isn't. Maybe it's because of all the celestial masterpieces stars, galaxies, and planets paint, effortlessly sweeping us off our feet? Or maybe we feel this way about space because it's something we can't touch, tame, or change? Or perhaps, it's because of that nostalgic feeling you get when it's a warm summer night and you raise your head and look up at the sky and all the stars simultaneously remind you of how truly small you are (but in the best way possible)?
In the Art Room: Sketchbook Covers
Well, better late than never ever, amirite? My students are just now getting rolling on their sketchbooks tho that's no fault of their own. I've been doing sketchbooks with my kids for years now ... and had a pretty fool proof way that worked for me and the kids. But there was always one thing kind of bothering me...that I never had a way for them to add informational pages to their sketchbooks. You know, like an Elements of Art reference sheet or, what I'm really excited about, some Art History Rocks sheets. So this year, instead of using manilla…
Restored ‘masterpiece of English Baroque art’ set to reopen
Painted Hall at Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich returned to former glory in £8.5m project
А.Теннисон. “Королевские идиллии” (илл.Д.Гордеева, пер.В.Лунина)
Альфред Теннисон "КОРОЛЕВСКИЕ ИДИЛЛИИ" пер. Виктора Лунина илл. Дениса Гордеева изд."Грантъ", 2001 год. Ну? Что скажете? Ежедневник-ежедневником, да? Ха-ха-ха (это я смеюсь смехом Мефистофеля)!!! Хотела бы я посмотреть на этот "ежедневник", если бы его издал, к примеру, ripol_kit ( Сергей! ОЧЕНЬ…