Fall movies 2014

Fall movies 2014

Fall movies 2014

Find out what to see in the upcoming movie season

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18 Best Affirmations for Gymnasts

18 Best Affirmations for Gymnasts

The thoughts you tell your self are very important. How you speak about your self is also very important. If you feed your mind with negative thoughts it will cause stress, anxiety, lack of confide…

Magician of Numbers: Augusta Ada King, Lovelace

Magician of Numbers: Augusta Ada King, Lovelace

I am writing on one of my friend’s word, he was saying”If women are smart why we don’t know any poet ,scientist or hero?” It is because of your mind. Nobody want to see us. They are afraid of us. I…

Ostereier natürlich färben

Ostereier natürlich färben

Wenn ihr Ostereier natürlich färben und tolle Effekte auf den Eiern erzielen wollt, helfen Naturrodukte! Wir verraten Anleitungen!

12 Creative Couple Costumes For Halloween – Taylor, Lately

12 Creative Couple Costumes For Halloween – Taylor, Lately

Happy almost-Halloween, friends! Now, if you are like me, this will serve more for next Halloween because you’ve already had your costume...

14 Tage Portugal Roadtrip – vom Norden in den Süden

14 Tage Portugal Roadtrip – vom Norden in den Süden

Was auf einem Portugal Roadtrip nicht fehlen darf? Die besten Tipps & Stationen für euren Portugal Roadtrip erfahrt ihr in unserem ultimativen Reiseguide!

Homemade Marshmallows (No Corn Syrup!) | The Frugal Farm Wife

Homemade Marshmallows (No Corn Syrup!) | The Frugal Farm Wife

Looking for a healthier way to make your own marshmallows? These corn-syrup-free marshmallows are delicious, and a wee bit healthier than other options.