In the Art Room: Sketchbook Covers
Well, better late than never ever, amirite? My students are just now getting rolling on their sketchbooks tho that's no fault of their own. I've been doing sketchbooks with my kids for years now ... and had a pretty fool proof way that worked for me and the kids. But there was always one thing kind of bothering me...that I never had a way for them to add informational pages to their sketchbooks. You know, like an Elements of Art reference sheet or, what I'm really excited about, some Art History Rocks sheets. So this year, instead of using manilla…
21 WTF Pics During and After Natural Disasters
Photos to remind you that we don't run this world. These pics are pretty wild showing what really happens after a natural disasters. Lots of things...
35 Cringeworthy Pics That Nobody Asked For
They really are the worst.
下田スケッチ【絵の描き方】 (@simodasketch) on X
【全文無料公開🎨】 技法書シリーズで人気の4冊を無料公開!! 学生や絵を描く方に届くと嬉しいです。 ⚫︎シワ本(シワの描き方) NEW!!✨ ⚫︎人物本(人物の描き方) ⚫︎描き方本(幅広い描き方) ⚫︎風景本(風景の描き方)
45 Anime Drawing Ideas: A Complete List And Guide For Drawers
If you are into arts and Japanese TV shows, why not consider creating beloved anime characters? Check out some anime drawing ideas you can sketch at home.
Beauty Steffy Argelich
Spanish Fashion Model Steffy Argelich, Steffy Argelich Fashion Editorials, Steffy Argelich Fashion Campaigns, Steffy Argelich Beauty Editorials and Covers