Free Homeschool Printables 2024 (BEST LIST!)

Free Homeschool Printables 2024 (BEST LIST!)

Free Homeschool Printables 2024 (BEST LIST!)

This ultimate list of free homeschool printables has the best resources for all ages. Fantastic ways to save money & make learning fun!

Best Post

Homeschool for Free: Geography – Amy’s Wandering

Homeschool for Free: Geography – Amy’s Wandering

Take your kids on a world tour with these FREE lesson plans! This list of free geography curriculum covers multiple grade levels. Updated 7/26/21 Mr. Donn’s Geography Early Childhood Geography Project Explorer Globalmania Homeschool Creation’s Geography Printables Elementary Geography by Charlotte Mason Home Geography for Primary Grades 50 States Explore: USA Geography 4 Kids Geography and [...]

6 Picks for the Best Books to Read in Spanish for Intermediate to Advancing Learners

6 Picks for the Best Books to Read in Spanish for Intermediate to Advancing Learners

When I was struggling to grow beyond basic Spanish conversation and use varied verb tenses more quickly and correctly in Spanish, an instructor who I was spending a lot of time in conversation with…

5 Reading Fluency Tricks for BIG KIDS

5 Reading Fluency Tricks for BIG KIDS

With so many of my BIG KIDS struggling with fluency, I worked to make it a part of my daily work with students, a Tier 1 intervention that the majority of the class could benefit from. Reading fluency incorporates three main components: speed, accuracy, and prosody, which directly impact comprehension. While I have shared a great deal about incorporating 6-Minute Solutions, here are a few other ways I worked to make fluency fun for my 6th graders.

What are Debit and Credit

What are Debit and Credit

Debit and credit are two sides of the same accounting entry. These are the fundamental “effect” of each financial transaction. For maintaining correct accou

What is a Visual Spatial Learner?

What is a Visual Spatial Learner?

Do you have a visual spatial learner, how can you tell and which homeschool curriculum for visual learners should you use so your child will thrive?

What Your Birth Month Says About Your Love Life

What Your Birth Month Says About Your Love Life

Isn't it fun to read about 'typicals'? I mean, there must be some truth to it.

Photographic Portraits Behind The Canvas By Luca Pierro

Photographic Portraits Behind The Canvas By Luca Pierro

I started a new photographic project and I'd like to share it with you. The series is called "Photographic Portraits Behind The Canvas".

John Singer Sargent’s Watercolor Paintings

John Singer Sargent’s Watercolor Paintings

John Singer Sargent is mostly known for his finely rendered portraits done in thick oils. But he was also a remarkable watercolor painter. Learn more here.