Huiii, es ist wieder soweit – hier ist seit letzter Woche die ganz große Frühjahrsputz-Stimmung ausgebrochen, und heute möchte ich Dir mächtig stolz meine neueste Chaosbeseitigungs-Errungenschaft präsentieren: ein Haarspangen Utensilo das ab jetzt für mehr Ordnung und Übersicht bei unserer großen Sammlung an Haarschmuck, Haarspangen & Co sorgen wird. Das ist zumindest der Plan und die Motivation eine…Weiterlesen
100 Things You Should Stop Buying and Start Making
Avoid trips to the store, reduce your carbon footprint, and save heaps of money by learning to make your own household items.
Types of Popular Sewing Stitches
The following post will help in your quest to decide which types of sewing stitches are best for your project.
12 Creative Crafts That Take Broken China From Trash to Treasure
Turns out, shattered dishes make the perfect tiles for creating one-of-a-kind mosaics.
“We’ve Never Spoken Of It”: 35 Of The Wildest And Juiciest Secrets And Stories From Bachelor And Bachelorette Parties
When a wedding can be seen on the horizon, it means it’s time for a bachelor or a bachelorette party. And while some of them are pretty low-key, others, as you can see on this list, tend to get wild.
DIY Floral Pom Poms
If you’ve been following HonestlyWTF from the start (nearly a decade ago – gasp!) you’ll remember that a tutorial for how to make pom poms was one of the very first DIYs published on this…
10 Trendy Upcycled Cat Beds
Looking for a new use for that old suitcase or ... Read more