Image 4 of 17 from gallery of Giannis Giannoutsos Designs a White Chapel for Rural Greece. White Chapel. Image Courtesy of Ilias Georgakopoulos
Relics of Constructivist architecture in post-Soviet & former Eastern Bloc countries (PHOTOS)
Soviet architecture is characterized by the constant search for forms: characteristics of rationalism and constructivism attracted architects striving to give houses maximum functionality.
Charlotte Taylor et Hannes Lippert dévoilent the Tiled House – Husk Design
L’esprit hyper-créatif de la designer, architecte, illustratrice et plus encore Charlotte Taylor a récemment rencontré celui du studio digital d’Hannes Lippert, donnant lieu à un projet original et audacieux. En effet, la Tiled House est une maison virtuelle, imaginée construite presque entièrement en carreaux de faïence… Découvrez le projet de la maison de demain. Dtile, un matériau étonnant Non pas que la venue des carreaux de faïence soit une grande nouveauté dans le milieu de l’architecture d’intérieur – ledit matériau ayant été remis sur le devant […]
Society photographer Cecil Beaton’s Reddish House is on sale for £4m
British society photographer Cecil Beaton's Reddish House, set in nearly six acres in Salisbury, Wiltshire, is on the market for £4million.
Hemma hos Alvar Aalto – den finske designikonen
Residence tittar i den ikoniske formgivaren och arkitekten Alvar Aaltos hem i Helsingfors. Byggnader av Aalto finns i hela världen.
Gallery of Zaferaniye Garden Complex / Olgooco – 3
Image 3 of 42 from gallery of Zaferaniye Garden Complex / Olgooco. Photograph by Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh
Norfolk Burleigh Heads Residential Building / Koichi Takada Architects
Image 8 of 22 from gallery of Norfolk Burleigh Heads Residential Building / Koichi Takada Architects. Photograph by Paul Bamford
Photo 4 of 20 in An 11-Year Renovation Helps a Couple Grow Simpatico…
In the dining room, under one of six large industrial skylights, one of the massive hearths is ornamented with a single red tile.