Image 22 of 38 from gallery of Paper-cut Art Workshop & Lakeshore Libraries / SSDesign. Model. Image Courtesy of SSDesign
Absolutely In Love With This Space By
Call It Design is an Instagram magazine that shares eye-pleasing examples of what it considers modern design, and it has earned itself 105K followers by doing so.
Traumhafte Auszeit auf dem Hofgut Hafnerleiten
Eine tolle Architektur, reduziertes Interior und ganz viel Ruhe.Umgeben von Wald, hohen Bambushecken und mit einem weiten Ausblick von der Terrasse auf grünes Land.
未来の家はこうなる。企業と建築家が原寸大で構想する「HOUSE VISION」 | ROOMIE(ルーミー)
これからの家のあり方や、人々の集合のかたちを模索する「HOUSE VISION」の展覧会レポートです。今回のテーマは「CO-DIVIDUAL ─分かれてつながる/離れてあつまる」。人、街、地域、テクノロジーなど、個をどう再集合させるか、企業と建築家・クリエイターが協働提案します。
Illustrated catalog of mouldings, architectural & ornamental wood work. : Roberts & Co. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
144 p., ill., 28 cm., trade catalogs
Gallery of Winners Announced of Inaugural WAFX Prize for World’s Most Forward-Looking Architectural Concepts – 19
Image 19 of 49 from gallery of Winners Announced of Inaugural WAFX Prize for World’s Most Forward-Looking Architectural Concepts. Re-use Prize Winner - I LOVE NYDALEN / SAAHA AS . Image Courtesy of World Architecture Festival
Ornamental Courtyard with Parlor by Naemas Architekturkonzepte | HomeAdore
Ornamental Courtyard with Parlor is a beautiful chalet located in Fleres di Dentro, Italy, designed in 2022 by Naemas Architekturkonzepte.
Travertine Bianco Crazy Pave – Edge Tile & Stone
Travertine Bianco Crazy Pave a stunning porcelain crazy pave has a finish that is incredibly smooth to touch, but is also able to achieve a P5 rating when wet