Gilbert Grape

Gilbert Grape

Gilbert Grape

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Lizzie Borden: Murderess or Media Sensation? | HISTORY

Lizzie Borden: Murderess or Media Sensation? | HISTORY

Explore nine fascinating facts about Lizzie Borden, who may or may not have taken an ax and given her parents lethal whacks in August 1892.

20+ People Who Took Comfort to a Whole New Level

20+ People Who Took Comfort to a Whole New Level

The Danish philosophy of hygge life, that is about creating a cozy home for a comfortable life, has become very popular. To hygge their homes, people around the world have started to buy different objects, from fluffy socks to vegan pies. And we can’t say that they were wrong. Sometimes, it’s enough to just add a small detail to make your house feel cozy.

31 Hilarious Halloween Skeleton Outdoor Displays

31 Hilarious Halloween Skeleton Outdoor Displays

Are you looking for some funny outdoor Halloween skeleton display ideas? Take a look at these hilarious scenes!