List of plants that attract fireflies, including the best flowers and plants that fireflies love and how to plant them in your garden.
An Enchantingly Layered Perennial Garden In Trentham
Gardener and designer Tim Pilgrim has transformed a once flat block of land into a magical garden that blooms and evolves with the seasons.
100+ AMAZING Keto Vegan Recipes For Weight Loss
Over 100 AMAZING Keto Vegan Recipes for Weight Loss that are totally delicious! All recipes are gluten-free and sugar-free, too!
The pangolin is being blamed for coronavirus and are endangered
More than 300 pangolins are poached from the wild every day and make it the most trafficked animal. But the genome sequence of coronavirus in pangolins was a 99 per cent match to that of infected patients.
How to Prepare Strawberries for the Winter
Everyone loves strawberries, but nobody likes when the strawberry plants they invested in slowly die over the winter. Here’s how you can avoid this!
Herbal Wisdom: Essential Reads for Plant-Powered Healing
These 22 herbal medicine books are the perfect starting point for any beginner herbalist looking to expand their knowledge and skills. From identifying herbs to making remedies, these books offer a wealth of information and guidance.
4 Houseplants You Can Easily Propagate From Cuttings
If you are like me, you have a number of houseplants that you just love. I know that there is nothing that makes me happier than watching my houseplants thrive, especially when it is cold
Middle Eastern Tofu Kebabs (Vegan & Gluten-free)
These Middle Eastern tofu kebabs are my new favourite quick and easy week day dinner. They're ready in no time and you can enjoy leftovers as a nutritious and protein packed snack!
17 Amazing Plants that Don’t Need Sun
Discover the best plants that don’t need sun for indoor planting and for your yards. Our guide shows you the top perennials and other drought tolerant plants for low lights and shades. Find the best flower plants for low sunlight and water. #lowsunlight #plants #lowlightplants
Tofu Pad Thai Recipe {30 Minutes!) – Simply Quinoa
This super easy tofu pad thai recipe takes 30 minutes, is healthy, gluten-free and vegetarian. It tastes like takeout, but without any junk! Made with egg, peanut butter and coconut sugar!
Milwaukee – Native Garden Designs
Printing note: This design was created to be 8.5″ x 14″ and the design pdf will print best on legal size paper. Wild Ones Meet the Designers Webinar Meet Wild Ones Native Garden Designers Danielle Bell (Milwaukee) & Susan Hall (Toledo) Existing Site Conditions Existing site conditions are important when selecting the right plant for […]