Good to Know: How to Propagate a Monstera (and other care tips) — CARMEON HAMILTON

Good to Know: How to Propagate a Monstera (and other care tips) — CARMEON HAMILTON

Good to Know: How to Propagate a Monstera (and other care tips) — CARMEON HAMILTON

I’m beginning to question my purpose in life, because nothing gets you guys going like plant talk! There’s not enough interior styling posts, project updates or outfit inspo that I can give ya’ll that would amount to what happens when I start talking about plants, so it was a must that I cut out maj

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21 Plants That Bloom All Summer Long

21 Plants That Bloom All Summer Long

Find out how to grow buckets full of delicious, juicy, healthy blueberries no matter where you live. This total guide is easy to follow and full of facts.

56 Incredible Indoor Hoya Varieties with Pictures

56 Incredible Indoor Hoya Varieties with Pictures

Easy to maintain wax plants look fantastic with every type of decor. Have a look at the best Hoya Varieties Names with Pictures for ideas!

The Plant Paradox 30-Day Challenge

The Plant Paradox 30-Day Challenge

Follow along as I do The Plant Paradox 30-Day Challenge--a 30 day plan following Dr. Steven Gundry's lectin-free Plant Paradox diet.

What Your Birth Flower Says About Your Personality

What Your Birth Flower Says About Your Personality

Your birth flower holds symbolic meaning that might just match your personality.

The BEST Vegan Takeout-Style Fried Rice – From My Bowl

The BEST Vegan Takeout-Style Fried Rice – From My Bowl

Learn how to make the best Vegan Takeout-Style Fried Rice at home, in only 20 minutes! This Fried Rice is perfectly seasoned, fluffy, and golden.

Las 10 mejores plantas colgantes de interior

Las 10 mejores plantas colgantes de interior

No te pierdas este post en el que te contamos todo sobre las mejores plantas de interior colgantes para decorar cualquier rincón...

Tips and Tricks for Planting Hostas In Pots

Tips and Tricks for Planting Hostas In Pots

Did you know that hostas are the perfect shade perennials that can thrive in pots? Come learn tips and tricks for planting hostas in pots.

Man spreads wet cement into egg cartons to make the most unique looking flowerpots

Man spreads wet cement into egg cartons to make the most unique looking flowerpots

It's amazing what people can create with the things they have on hand.