The first thing you need to do is live your best life so remember that your body is your temple!
Нужно купить в аптеке «Эссенциале» в ампулах (то, которое обычно используют для восстановления клеток печени). В нем сбалансированный состав витаминов плюс фосфолипиды, последние хорошо поддерживают клеточные мембраны. А это как раз то, что нужно ослабленным корням волос. Поскольку в составе лекарства присутствуют и водо- и жирорастворимые витамины, наносить их на волосы нужно в среде, где есть и вода и жир. Приготовление: 1 желток, 1-2 ч.ложки сметаны, 0,5 ампулы «Эссенциале».
32 Korean Beauty Products Under $30 That People Seem To Be Loving
Looking to elevate your skincare routine? Then it's time to discover the magic of Korean beauty with our curated list of 10 essential K-beauty products. From hydrating essences and nutrient-rich serums to skin-perfecting masks and gentle acne solutions, these products encapsulate the essence of Korean skincare. By incorporating them into your daily routine, you'll experience revitalized, healthy skin that's worthy of a K-drama star.
Paris: as fotos mais lindas ♥ – Acho Tendência
Vejas as fotos mais lindas de Paris, a cidade mais romântica da França e do mundo! Fique encantado com as cores, as luzes e a beleza de Paris!
These Dog Breeds Make The Best Companions For Retirees & Seniors
People who love dogs know that animals are much more than pets – they’re just like members of the family!
How Facial Masks Can Help Your Skin
A facial mask can work wonders for the skin, and you can either book a spa appointment with an esthetician or do it at home with some fun recipes.