I know it is not considered healthy, but my little princesses love to chew and blow bubbles. Just like the homemade caramel recipe and the homemade brownie mix recipe, I occasionally make some just for them. When the time comes, I turn to this homemade bubble gum recipe that I found online. Just like most
Curly-Wurly Squiggles – Self Supporting / Free Standing Bendy Candle
I make these from scratch! No bought in candles - I could not buy them this long - 30cm starting length. Starting by pouring a custom blended wax, I make a blank 30cm long by 2cm in diameter. These candles are then bent into their unique shapes. Please note - as each is bent by human hand, the exact shape and nuance will vary. If you are after a colour not here/available - message me. Hand poured and hand bent with paraffin wax and a cotton wick. Average 11cm high x 9cm wide overall - each one will vary slightly…
8 Step-by-Step Embroidery Tutorials for Beginners and Beyond
If you want to learn how to embroider, this post includes basic embroidery stitches plus 8 easy embroidery tutorials for beginners!
19 Power Perennials That Thrive No Matter What
These hardy perennials can thrive in part sun, full sun or shade, high heat or freezing temperatures, and still bloom beautifully every year.
Ghost Craft Printable: FREE Cut and Paste Activities
Download this free ghost craft printable and create your own cut and paste activity with eight pages of ghosts plus features and accessories.
What to Grow in a Greenhouse – Boots & Hooves Homestead
There are many possibilities with starting greenhouse gardening. But you may be wondering what vegetables you should grow in a greenhouse.
To Get the Right Armhole, Fit the Bodice – Threads
Learn how to successfully fit an armhole by using a muslin. Adjust the bust, back, and shoulder—and your armhole almost takes care of itself.
Easy Quilt Block Tutorials for Beginners
Want to learn to quilt? These Easy Quilt Blocks for Beginners will teach you the basics of patchwork quilting. You'll gain the skills needed to make any quilt. They are perfect for new quilters.