How to brush amigurumi. Video tutorial by lilleliis. Learn how the woolen amigurumi parts can be brushed to create a fluffy hairy look.
How to Sew a Simple Zipper Pillow – Spoonflower Blog

Stitching up a simple throw pillow is a fast, low effort way to spruce up any space. Our amazingly creative friend Lia Griffith shares a simple video on how to […]
Trend Forecasting for Visual Creatives — CatCoq

I've been licensing my artwork since 2014 and have sold over 1,000,000 products with my designs on them. The reason I've been able to sell so much of my artwork? Trend forecasting. I have learned how to forecast upcoming popular trends and capitalize on them to create profitable designs with mass ap
Easy Homemade Deodorant That Really WORKS!

Store bought deodorants that are truly non-toxic typically lose their effectiveness after a few hours. This homemade deodorant recipe really works!
30 People Share Flexes They’re Proud Of But Too Embarrassed To Show Off

Humans are incredible creatures. When we really push ourselves, we can cure diseases, run ultramarathons and create amazing pieces of artwork. But we can't all be exceptional. For some of us, the greatest accomplishment we’ll ever achieve is getting millions of views on a viral video of our most embarrassing moment.
Macrame artist with wedding backdrop and curtain

Alisha Ing, AKA iWouldRatherKnot, borrows from textile and fashion design for her stunning macrame pieces.
Mother Is Called ‘Materialistic’ After Refusing To Pass On Her Engagement Ring As An Heirloom

He said that diamonds are a scam and asked how I could let him go into debt to buy a new ring.