Yesterday I started working on the portico to go over the side door of the studio. These are the two that I chose to use as my inspiration. via Bungalow Restoration original source unkown This is the first project I’ve done in about four weeks because of the back, shoulder and arm issue I’ve been…
PVC & Vinyl Lattice Garden Arch/Trellis
For those who don't have technical skills or the patience to draw plans.
thefoodietakesflight • chinese chive pies
These Chinese Chive Pies or Pockets 韭菜盒子 have a very crispy exterior but really chewy dough inside. It's filled with a mix of chives (of course), veggies, and vermicelli noodles! They're wrapped in homemade wrappers and I really think freshly made dough makes a BIG DIFFERENCE. Freshly made wrappers from homemade dough turn out so much chewier, they also don't easily break apart when you fill them with your choice of veggies and noodles.
Tour a beautiful California home inspired by a Pennsylvania Dutch style
Brandon Architects designed this two-story home inspired by a 'Pennsylvania Dutch' architectural style in Newport Beach, California.
How to Use Tea Tree Oil For Acne | Everblossom
TTO is without question the best natural acne treatment I've EVER used. Here are a few different ways to use tea tree oil for acne.
19 Creative Kallax Room Divider Ideas You Need To Try
Back in my college days, I lived in a cozy apartment with a roommate. We wanted some separation without sacrificing space, and that's when the idea of using Kallax as a room divider struck us. Check this out: A Kallax, like the one below, can do wonders: If you're anything like me, you might have
What To Plant With Hydrangeas – 11 Companion Hydrangea Plants For A Stunning Garden
Hydrangeas are a flower power plant for summer gardens. They grow in hard-to-fill niches in garden plantings, or they can dominate a well-watered area near the house or on the shady side of the lawn.
Writer’s Shed / Matt Gibson Architecture + Design
Completed in 2017 in Elsternwick, Australia. Camouflaged and nestled into a modest residential garden, the Writers Shed provides an isolated workspace for a creative writer. The outbuilding sits...
How to Take Care of a Philodendron Mican, the Trailing Plant with Velvety Leaves
Everything you need to know to care for a philodendron mican plant indoors.
How to Prune Basil for Big, Bushy Basil Plants (With Photos)
This little pruning trick will allow you to grow super-sized basil plants so you can enjoy all the pesto you've ever dreamed of.