There are lots of advantages to having two dogs! Learn the top reasons to get a second dog and how to convince your boyfriend you need one!
Pet Lion Dance Prosperity Costume – Celebration for Chinese New Year weddings for dog cat
Celebrate in style with our Lion Dance Prosperity costume for pets! Made from a blend of polyester and cotton, it is both durable and comfortable. It comes in 3 different sizes and features a beautiful red and green flowing fringe. Wear it to honor cultural traditions and celebrate special occasions including the Lunar New Year and weddings. Features: - Glamorous lion dance costume for your pet to bring you happiness and good fortune - Colours: Red/Green - Sizes: M - XL - The best costume for the Lunar New Year, weddings and any kind of celebration *** Please following the…
Multiplication Fact Fluency Challenge
Multiplication is a huge topic for third graders. I spend a lot of time building conceptual understanding of multiplication with my students...
What to Do in Hachinohe, Japan
Ticked off Tokyo and Kyoto? Set your sights on Hachinohe. Flying under the radar of most travellers, this thriving city is where the coast, culture and culinary traditions come together. We lift the (hotpot) lid on...
Free Unit Studies and Lessons for August
Free unit studies and lessons for August. First Day of School, Smokey Bear's Birthday, Roller Coaster Day, Mosquito Day, and much more!
Art Lesson: Silhouette Tree Collage
This lesson is a simple yet beautiful construction paper collage and is perfect to introduce to the students in the fall. The background will be developed in a warm OR cool color scheme creating the brightly colored background on which the tree silhouette will be glued. The students will be guided through a drawing of a tree and fence on black paper and will then be challenged as they carefully cut out and remove all of the background areas away from the subject matter. The border, tree branches, and fence rails must remain connected and uncut. Terms such as Collage,…
La casa en el paisatge / La casa en el paisaje / The house in the landscape
La casa és el nostre refugi natural, el lloc on vivim. La casa permaneix estable mentre tot canvia al seu voltant amb el córrer del temps. Les estacions de l'any deixen al seu pas l'emprempta i tot canvia, els paisatges es transformen... tot menys la casa. Això és el que podem veure en aquestes il·lustracions de Laivi Põder.