Step by step tutorial to create a cheap electronic family calendar using an Amazon Fire Stick and a calendar app.
Reusable Bowl Cover – Easy Things to Sew
How to sew a reusable fabric bowl cover. This zero-waste food storage device stretches over bowls to avoid using plastic.
The Maverick Blanket-Free Crochet Pattern — Meghan Makes Do
This modern crochet blanket is perfect for beginners or those looking for an easy project to cozy up with. This simple and versatile pattern looks great in any color of Schitt's Creek Yarn. You'll be adding it to your home in no time at all. Find the free pattern below, grab a PDF version in my sho
Twisted bendy candles Valentine’s collection
Twisted bendy Valentine’s candles collection Very simple but I will fill you home with love and happiness. They are created to be paired but you can you one or more. They are $7 each but shipping will be just $ 1 after first one order. 1-Mating snakes are rosewood pink 5.5 x3.75 inches. The Berry pink is 5x3.5 inches 2-Open hearts Bendy one is 5x3 inches the heart is just a bit smaller and closed.Top is more straight. The twisted is 4.5x 3.5 inches has a larger more open heart and twisted top. 3-Sideways hearts Cranberry is 3.5 H x4.5…
How to fix holes in Jeans : 10 ways to repair ripped & torn jeans – SewGuide
Mending and repairing jeans with holes : the best ways to fix a hole in jeans - {including the hole in the crotch}
Handmade Christmas Gift: Stove Top Potpourri — Boxwood Avenue
Use simple seasonal ingredients to make this handmade christmas gift; an easy stove top potpourri recipe that packs a serious punch!
Create your own afternoon retreat — Liz Lamoreux
Anne Morrow Lindbergh said, "I believe that true identity is found . . . in creative activity springing from within." This speaks deeply to my belief that creativity and mindfulness can help us deepen our inner relationship as we find our way in this wacky, wonderful, hard, beautiful world