When I was a kid, I used to shut myself in my bedroom and rearrange all of my furniture in strange ways just for a fresh feel in my personal space. My parents had no idea how I managed to drag my four-poster bed and cedar chest around my room, but bless them, they let…
Lujambio House / Jorge Garibay Arquitectos

Completed in 2022 in Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico. Images by César Belio. Casa Lujambio are geometric figures that repeat and come close to each other, but never touch. It is this gesture, this courtesy, of celebrating the...
Can I Sleep on a Mattress on the Floor?

Wondering if you can put a mattress on the floor? Here are some pros and cons to help you decide, tips for making it work and choosing best organic floor mattress
These Fascinating Photographs Show You How Different People Live In Identical Apartments (By Bogdan Gîrbovan)

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Interior Design & Architecture Resources

Did you know that I have an Interior Design Resources board on Pinterest? I collect tips design tips sheets in one place for easy reference.
38 Creative Pottery Ateliers: Infused with the Simplicity of Minimalist Design

Tranquility and creativity collide in pottery workshops that don’t just embrace Scandinese and Japandi elements—they live by them. These spaces, with their
Architecture Student Sketches Bird’s Eye View of Exquisite Imaginary Cities

If only these places were real!
Galeria de O Palácio da Alvorada nas lentes de Joana França – 8

Imagem 8 de 21 da galeria de O Palácio da Alvorada nas lentes de Joana França. Fotografia de Joana França
Two Point Perspective Drawing – Technical Arts Architecture Details Facade – Illustration/Painting

Two Point Perspective Drawing - Learn arts with videos, PDFs and a lot of free ressources about watercolors, drawing, illustrations..
How To Create The Perfect Moody Dark Academia Room

If you're obsessed with the dark academia interior design style, you'll want to read this! Tons of practical tips to get the DA look in your own home!