How to Furnish a Sunroom + What To Avoid

How to Furnish a Sunroom + What To Avoid

How to Furnish a Sunroom + What To Avoid

I’m killing it decorating the rest of the house, however, I’m struggling greatly with How to Furnish a Sunroom. Help! I can’t be the only one who’s stymied.

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Nonreligious Questions

Nonreligious Questions

Trying to find a new church? This atheist can help.

This Unique Nft Concept Cares For Our Physical Furniture To Help Us Stay Sustainable

This Unique Nft Concept Cares For Our Physical Furniture To Help Us Stay Sustainable

SPACE10, IKEA’s independent research, and design lab introduces Carbon Banks, an exploration into how the blockchain could build a more sustainable relationship with our furniture and save it from ending up in landfills prematurely. In partnership with WINT Design Lab, SPACE10 imagines how a physical, wooden chair could be connected to a generative digital asset on the blockchain to create an emotional bond that would incentivize us to keep, repair, trade, and recycle our furniture. The digital asset would take the shape of a personalized tree, beginning as a seedling and developing over time in parallel to the furniture’s lifespan.

Gallery of ‘HHH’ House / Simple Projects Architecture – 3

Gallery of ‘HHH’ House / Simple Projects Architecture  – 3

Image 3 of 79 from gallery of ‘HHH’ House / Simple Projects Architecture. Photograph by Mansyur Hasan

Gallery of The Best Architecture Drawings of 2019 – 38

Gallery of The Best Architecture Drawings of 2019  – 38

Image 38 of 77 from gallery of The Best Architecture Drawings of 2019. Apostrophy's

Trendy Shelving Units for Modern Home Libraries: Functional and Fashionable – Quiet Minimal

Trendy Shelving Units for Modern Home Libraries: Functional and Fashionable – Quiet Minimal

You might not know that the latest trend in home libraries isn't just about books—it's about creating a visually appealing space that reflects your

Appartement Paris de l’extérieur : vis à vis de Gail Albert Halaban

Appartement Paris de l’extérieur : vis à vis de Gail Albert Halaban

Après avoir pris en photo l'intérieur des appartements new-yorkais, l'artiste Gail Albert Halaban se penche cette fois sur le quotidien des parisiens, vu de l'extérieur. Sans tomber dans le voyeurisme, l'américaine réussit ici à magnifier ces scènes intimes. La preuve en six clichés.