Homemade healthy fruit snacks made with fresh veggies and sweetened with honey and vanilla extract.
Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast

Thick slices of sweet, egg-soaked bread cooked until golden and stuffed with a sweet cream cheese filling. Perfect for a sweet breakfast or brunch treat.
Dehydrated Cinnamon Apples Recipe

Dehydrating apples has never been easier. I'm going to tell you everything you need to know about a food dehydrator, plus simple step-by-step instructions on how to make these amazingly delicious dehydrated cinnamon apples!
Kürbisbrot Rezept | LECKER

Saftiges Kürbisbrot bringt im Herbst köstliche Abwechslung in den Brotkorb. Hol dir das Grundrezept sowie Ideen zum Verfeinern!
Zwetschgenkuchen mit Hefeteig und Streuseln!

Zwetschgenkuchen mit Hefeteig und Streuseln ist ein echter Klassiker. Unser Rezept vom Blech ist so einfach, die knusprigen Streusel gelingen dir garantiert!
The Best Sweet Potato Casserole with Butter Pecan Crumble Topping

This is the BEST sweet potato casserole ever! The sweet potatoes are tender and creamy, while the streusel topping adds a delightful buttery crunch thanks to the pecans.
Smoky Caesar Salad Recipe

This Caesar salad comes with a little twist; replace anchovies with canned smoked trout for a subtle smokiness.