Make your own DIY sponges using cotton fabric, terrycloth, and mesh. These reusable kitchen scrubbers can be washed and reused over and over.
Dart manipulation basics – The Shapes of Fabric

A quick tour on different dart manipulation techniques with examples of each. How to move the darts around and how to turn them into something else.
Flannel Rice Pack Tutorial | Wren Collective | Tutorial

Make your own flannel rice pack with this rice warmer bag tutorial. Easy to make, even for beginners. These make great Christmas gifts and are perfect to use year round for sore muscles.
Barista Gets Fired From New Job On The First Day Because Of Their Coworker

Starting a new job can be challenging. Even if you have a lot of knowledge and experience in the industry, each organization has its own unique way of doing things. It's like fitting a square peg into a square hole, but sometimes you have to twist it around and flip it before it fits perfectly.
DIY Wax Melts: 12 Easy Recipes

These simple DIY wax melts will make your home smell amazing and they make great gifts too! Use soy, paraffin or even beeswax.
Company Fires A Good Employee For ‘Misconduct,’ The Tables Turn When The Court Votes In Their Favor

Losing a job destroyed a person, but they shared a story of how they are getting back on their feet.
A Super Easy Pattern Weights Tutorial

Learn how to make triangle pattern weights in this super easy tutorial. All you need are fabric scraps and dried rice! Clear steps with pictures.
60+ Aesthetic Room Ideas On A Budget – DIY With My Guy

How To Have An Aesthetic Room At College! Aesthetic dorm room ideas to have a trendy dorm room that feels like yours!
How to Sew Neckline Binding | Briar Sewalong

Neckline binding is my favourite neckline finish for knits. In today's Briar sewalong, we'll be showing you our method for creating a neckline binding.