Bougainvillea grows in pots, especially compact varieties. Here’s a guide to planting bougainvillea in pots, plus the one key thing to know.
Faire un jardin anglais : principes et plantes pour l’aménager
[Inspiration Pinterest] Romantique et champêtre, le jardin anglais est facilement identifiable. Quelques grands principes et plantes incontournables permettent en effet de l'adopter. Contrairement à son cousin français, il apprécie les formes plus floues qui laissent place au naturel. Exit donc le buis bien taillé et les allées droites, auxquels il faut préférer les "mixed-borders" et autres sentiers sinueux. Bosquets, roses odorantes et pelouses verdoyantes peuplent cet extérieur de charme aux accents oniriques. Derrière son apparence sauvage, le jardin à l'anglaise cache pourtant une organisation et des caractéristiques précises. Toujours très vert, il intègre aussi une grande palette de fleurs colorées…
Walthamstow Garden Design for Renovated House
Creating the illusion of a bigger garden in London Brief Michelle and Jonathan wanted to create the illusion of a bigger garden in London. They also wanted to extend their kitchen into the garden, so when the bifold doors opened, it's the
Mind-Blowing Red Lentil Tofu (easy, 1 ingredient)
My Mind-Blowing Red Lentil Tofu will rock your world! It is soy-free, high protein, super-easy, versatile, and made with 1 ingredient (plus water, & optional salt).A reminder about not republishing: Do not republish this, my original recipe, on other websites or outlets. This was developed, entirely, in my kitchen (i.e., it is not a variation of another red lentil tofu recipe and the process is unique). Please see my recipe sharing policy for details. ? If you ADAPT my recipe, please give proper credit and provide a link to this, the original recipe.
Modern Mediterranean backyard landscape design with fire pit
Yardzen is the leading landscape design company serving Park City, UT. Browse our past designs and learn more about our process today!
The Plant Paradox 30-Day Challenge
Follow along as I do The Plant Paradox 30-Day Challenge--a 30 day plan following Dr. Steven Gundry's lectin-free Plant Paradox diet.
Tofu Bulgogi
You won't believe how easy it is to make this tofu bulgogi with a few simple ingredients! It comes together quickly in a few short steps, making it perfect for a weeknight meal. Crumbled tofu cooked in a sweet, salty, and savory sauce, this tofu bulgogi has all the same flavors as traditional bulgogi!
21 Hearty Nourishing Bowls With No Meat Or Dairy
One bowl wonders.
13 Fast-Growing Vegetable Crops for the Fall Garden
Come discover the top 13 fastest growing cool season vegetable crops for your fall garden, plus tips on on how to accelerate plant growth.
My Indoor Trees Obsession And A Roundup Of The Best Low Light Indoor Trees
In this post I'm sharing my recent obsession of indoor trees, especially those low light indoor trees. I also explain why they adds so much to a space, and my new baby - a 10