Illustrating through Parallel Lines: Works by Owen D. Pomery

Illustrating through Parallel Lines: Works by Owen D. Pomery

Illustrating through Parallel Lines: Works by Owen D. Pomery

Owen D. Pomery has an educational and professional background in architecture and nowadays he works in pen and ink as a professional illustrator for architectural projects. Paralelly, he also makes editorial illustrations and narrative works. Some interesting sketches synthesize built forms…

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Serious Question: Do Architects Learn Enough About Construction and Materials?

Serious Question: Do Architects Learn Enough About Construction and Materials?

Have you ever visited a worksite and thought, "Wow, this contractor knows a lot more about construction than I do"? Have you had to change your...

A physical manifestation of “Ladies and Gentlemen we are floating in space” (COACHELLA) | Undisclosable | Archinect

A physical manifestation of “Ladies and Gentlemen we are floating in space” (COACHELLA) | Undisclosable | Archinect

The influential UK band, Spiritualized, teamed up with the acclaimed film director Jonathan Glazer to create a physical manifestation of the song “Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating in Space.” This installation was housed in a cathedral-like space designed by Los Angeles-based...

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La storia delle case-torri tra le montagne del Caucaso

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Eclectic Landscape Green

Eclectic Landscape Green

With inspiration taken from the ancient oil paintings portraying nature in all its glory, this eclectic landscape brings memories to a dreamy fantasy world. The green panorama appeals to the imagination thanks to its soft shapes. Be enchanted by this dreamy forest, a modern way to invite nature to your home.More colors:Pink

Gallery of Teamakers Guest House Competition Results Announced – 4

Gallery of Teamakers Guest House Competition Results Announced  – 4

Image 4 of 21 from gallery of Teamakers Guest House Competition Results Announced. First Prize Winner. Image © Johann Evin