Meet our Spotlight Instructor Nathalie Kalbac, one of the instructors of our newest course Mixed Media Journaling. Learn more about her and her creative arts.
23 Green Kitchen Cabinet Ideas That’re a Home Cook’s Dream
Fresh and versatile, these green kitchen cabinet ideas range from soft sage to deep forest, bringing a sense of serenity to a home.
Nu atragem realitatea pe care ne-o dorim, ci ceea ce suntem!
Mintea umană poate fi comparată cu o grădină, ce poate fi cultivată inteligent sau lăsată în paragină. Indiferent dacă este cultivată sau neglijată, ea dă însă fructe. Chiar dacă omul nu cultivă se…
Put a Glass of Water with Salt and Vinegar in Any Part of Your Home… After 24 Hours you Will be Amazed at the Result!
Here is the method of preparation and how to use this solution...
15 Inspirations from the Sea – We Love Nautical Decor!
Nautical decor allows for so much creativity and unique accents to your home. The pieces add eye-catching detail to your space. Here are some ideas we think are stylish and give your home that breezy nautical flair. Some you can purchase from retailers or artisans and others, if you're feeling crafty, you can make on your own! Image from Craftberry Bush These glass buoys add a pretty sea-inspired touch to your decor. You can try this project yourself by following Craftberry Bush's tutorial (linked above). Image from Cassie Bustamante's Blog Maps bring something both vintage and nautical to a room.…
Lightning Bolt Power Strip
The electrifying Lightning Bolt Power Strip, created by the fine designers at Kikkerland Design, is a brilliant looking source of power.
The Photo Argus
Photography Inspiration and Resources