The Japandi style is a blend of Japanese and Scandinavian design philosophies that emphasize minimalism, functionality, natural materials, and a connection to n
English Countryside Hallway: Crafting a Captivating Entryway

By Alan George Imagine stepping into a charming English countryside home, where the hallway greets you with open arms, inviting you to explore the...
Meral Akçay on Twitter

“Cephe tuğlaları tasarım disiplini açısından sınırsız bir özgürlük sahası sunar.”
The Beauty of Japanese Bathroom Design – 32 Elements That Will Surprise You

By Alan George In the realm of interior design, bathrooms often receive less attention than their counterparts, such as living rooms and bedrooms. However,...
50 Times Architects Really Outdid Themselves And People Celebrated Their Works Online (New Pics)

More than 4 billion people live in urban areas globally. It’s now projected that by 2050, more than two-thirds of the world population will live in urban areas. So no wonder we pay more importance to the buildings and structures around us.
clemens gritl digitally explores urban utopias of the 20th century

german digital artist clemens gritl reveals his digital series 'a future city from the past', composed of artificial and 3D architectural models.
83 Small Bathroom Ideas & How To Make It Look Bigger

How do you design a small bathroom? In this post you find tips and examples on how to create a stylish and functional small bathroom. (Yes, you can have a bathtub in a small bathroom!)
まるで時間が止まったかのよう。郷愁感じる-関東地方の秘境駅-を訪れませんか | キナリノ

秘境駅という言葉は、1998年に鉄道フリーライター所澤秀樹氏が発刊した著書『列島周遊 もっとへんな駅!?』で登場してから知られるようになりました。やがて、日本の秘境駅訪問家の牛山隆信が全国の秘境駅を訪問し、テレビやWebサイトなどのメディアを通じて全国の秘境駅を紹介し、「秘境駅」という言葉は一躍有名となりました。人里から遠く離れ、駅へのアクセスが困難でありながらも、歴史を感じさせる駅舎、風情あるホームなど秘境駅は人々を魅了してやみません。今回は、関東地方にある風情あふれる秘境駅をご紹介します。