La storia delle case-torri tra le montagne del Caucaso

La storia delle case-torri tra le montagne del Caucaso

La storia delle case-torri tra le montagne del Caucaso

Usate a scopo abitativo e di difesa, queste torri hanno origini antichissime. Dovevano essere costruite in 365 giorni e ogni famiglia benestante del villaggio era tenuta a possederne una

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3 Bedroom Southern Serenity House

3 Bedroom Southern Serenity House

Immersed in the realm of contemporary architecture, this Southern style house represents the true definition of the perfect fusion of traditional charm and contemporary aesthetics. It boasts 3 spacious bedrooms and a large living room that encapsulates an open concept design, a common trend in many modern home plans. Each room is a testament to meticulous planning and design, from the well-planned mudrooms to the thoughtfully laid-out bedrooms. Furthermore, the open floor plans inherent in a plan featured this design ensure a fluid, spacious feel throughout the house, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics. This 3 Bedroom Southern modern house plan,…

Ceiling, Unitarian Church in Charleston, Harleston Village, Charleston, SC

Ceiling, Unitarian Church in Charleston, Harleston Village, Charleston, SC

The Unitarian Church in Charleston is located on Archdale Street in the Harleston Village neighborhood of Charleston, South Carolina. Built originally in 1787, the church has been extensively renovated and altered, most notably in 1852, when the building was extended and re-styled, inspired by the English Gothic Style, with an iconic fan tracery ceiling, the most notable feature of the building, being added to the interior at this time. Surviving both the 1886 earthquake and Hurricane Hugo in 1989 with some damage, the building has been repaired and restored multiple times, and continues in use as the principal Unitarian Universalist…

Parisian Apartment Style: How to Get a Paris Apartment Vibe

Parisian Apartment Style: How to Get a Paris Apartment Vibe

Parisian apartment style is one of the dominant home decorating trends. Here's how to recreate it at home, with 5 easy pieces that you can buy anywhere.

Gallery of Experimental Brick Pavilion / Estudio Botteri-Connell – 1

Gallery of Experimental Brick Pavilion / Estudio Botteri-Connell  – 1

Image 1 of 36 from gallery of Experimental Brick Pavilion / Estudio Botteri-Connell. Photograph by Gustavo Sosa Pinilla

Gallery of RAINHA / Atelier d’Architecture Bruno Erpicum & Partners – 15

Gallery of RAINHA / Atelier d’Architecture Bruno Erpicum & Partners  – 15

Image 15 of 20 from gallery of RAINHA / Atelier d’Architecture Bruno Erpicum & Partners. Photograph by FG+SG - Fernando Guerra

40 Times Designers Went All In And Designed The Most Fabulous Examples Of ‘Modern Architecture’

40 Times Designers Went All In And Designed The Most Fabulous Examples Of ‘Modern Architecture’

Modernist architecture has the best public relations managers since the name itself evokes notions like “contemporary” or “current,” while brutalism sounds like a metal band struggling to create an adjective. While quite recent, modernism isn’t defined by being “new,” rather, it’s a design philosophy that celebrates experimentation and rejects rules.

Writhing Tower realizado por LYCS Architecture

Writhing Tower realizado por LYCS Architecture

La torre Retorcida, diseñada por LYCS Arquitectura, es un condominio para una de las zonas residenciales más hermosas de Lima.

Japandi Living Room Inspo

Japandi Living Room Inspo

Discover Japandi living room design and decor ideas to cultivate harmony. Embrace simplicity, natural elements, and minimalist design for a serene space.

À vendre, un incroyable hôtel particulier et son jardin privé à Avignon

À vendre, un incroyable hôtel particulier et son jardin privé à Avignon

Dissimulé à l’abri des regards dans le plus grand jardin privé de la Cité des Papes, cet hôtel particulier de style néoclassique, pensé comme une oasis au cœur de la ville, invite à la douceur de vivre.