Everything you ever needed to know about how to hem pants! This simple step-by-step DIY tutorial includes options for easy hemming by hand or with a machine.
Twist Candle/Decorative Candle/Bendy Candle/
Beautiful handmade candles in creative shapes and various colors These candles are perfect for a personalized gift to a partner, friend or family member and for home decor. #bent #twist #bendy #candles #tiktok #tiktokcandles #etsy #etsyShop #candlestick #bentcandle #candletwist #twistcandle #DIYcandle #stick #candle #minimalist
Learn About 8 Famous Artists (FREE Unit Studies and Printables)
If you enjoy learning about different artists in your homeschool, you will love learning about 8 of our favorite artists!
These 30 Women Who Ditched Dyeing Their Hair Look So Good, They May Convince You To Do The Same
Gray, silver, and platinum-colored hair has been a fashion trend for quite some time now. Whether you love it or think that it’s merely a fading hair trend, you can’t deny that it’s impressive and grabs your attention. But what’s even more impressive than professionally dyed hair is natural gray hair that makes women look like they’re stepping out of the pages of a fairytale.
50 Times People Mastered The Art Of Knitting And Shared Their Creations Online
With sheer horror I remember the moment we had to make our own knit “couture” in home ec class. It could be anything, from a tote bag to a pair of socks, or a scarf, or a tiny doll... the list goes on. I thought that a knitted bow tie for Father’s Day was a great idea, but expectation vs reality hit and the final result looked like a pastel wool blob asking to be tacitly discarded.
How To Make the Alpine Stitch Blanket
Do you love the alpine stitch? Learn how to make this crochet alpine stitch blanket with this free crochet blanket pattern!
Bearded Dragon Free Crochet Pattern
These great ideas for dragon crochet are easy and fun, so be sure to check them out! Amigurumi, crochet shawls or mittens? You choose!
Kyoto University Permits Students To Put On Anything They Want For Graduation, And Here Are 35 Of The Most Brilliant Costume Ideas
A graduation ceremony at a university is one of the most memorable days in the life of anyone who has ever been a student. We think we will not be mistaken if you also remember your own ceremony - solemn speeches, joy that the years of study are already behind, sadness from the upcoming parting with classmates, strict elegant suits and dresses...