Loaded Grilled Eggplant with Creamy Herb Sauce

Loaded Grilled Eggplant with Creamy Herb Sauce

Loaded Grilled Eggplant with Creamy Herb Sauce

This Loaded Grilled Eggplant with Creamy Herb Sauce is the perfect vegetarian dish to serve all season long! The perfectly grilled eggplant is topped with a nut based vegetarian filling, a creamy sauce and finished with tons of fresh herbs

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Photo 12 of 25 in A Sydney Couple Polish Up Their Heirloom Midcentury…

Photo 12 of 25 in A Sydney Couple Polish Up Their Heirloom Midcentury…

Here, the pitcher is a 1960’s West German Vessel from Rudi Rocket, and the Kristall Soap Dish is by Walther from the Oliver Thom Store. Photo 12 of 25 in A Sydney Couple Polish Up Their Heirloom Midcentury With Industrial Details. Browse inspirational photos of modern homes.

Vegetarian Pho

Vegetarian Pho

This vegetarian pho (Vietnamese noodle soup) is full of flavor, thanks to spices, herbs and sautéed shiitake mushrooms! It’s easy and fun to make, too. Recipe yields 4 generous bowls of soup.

Ridiculously Good Tahini Date Shake with Coffee | The First Mess

Ridiculously Good Tahini Date Shake with Coffee | The First Mess

With just 5 ingredients and some ice, you can make the most rich and delicious tahini date shake with coffee. Thick, creamy, and so delicious!

17 Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Arizona – The Crazy Tourist

17 Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Arizona – The Crazy Tourist

The sunny state of Arizona is a place where you will not get bored quickly as there’s so many things to see and visit. Landmarks like the Grand Canyon are ... Read more

Dit zijn de 16 mooiste schaduwplanten voor in de tuin | vtwonen

Dit zijn de 16 mooiste schaduwplanten voor in de tuin | vtwonen

Ook zonder (directe) zon kunnen planten floreren. Welke schaduwplant laat jij in je border schitteren?

100+ Fresh Green Home Exteriors for Max Curb Appeal

100+ Fresh Green Home Exteriors for Max Curb Appeal

These green home exteriors will inspire you to choose a nature-inspired paint for your next home improvement project!

5 хитростей, которые помогут увеличить урожай клубники в 2-3 раза

5 хитростей, которые помогут увеличить урожай клубники в 2-3 раза

Как увеличить урожай клубники? Этим вопросом задавался, пожалуй, каждый дачник, ведь садовая земляника (официальное название клубники) – одна из самых распространенных и любимых огородных культур, да и поспевает на грядках раньше других ягод. Однако не всегда клубника радует хорошим урожаем, хотя не является особо капризной культурой. А все потому, что при ее выращивании некоторые огородники упускают важные нюансы. Почему так происходит и как изменить ситуацию в свою пользу?

Planting Potatoes: How To Plant Potatoes In The Fall

Planting Potatoes: How To Plant Potatoes In The Fall

Planting potatoes in the fall is a great way to get a head start on the growing season. Learn everything you need to know about fall planting potatoes.

25 Inspiring Vegetable Garden Design Ideas

25 Inspiring Vegetable Garden Design Ideas

25 best vegetable garden design ideas & easy layout plans for beginners & pros to grow your own food in a front or backyard edible landscape.