Mon fondant chocolat et amandes (sans gluten ni lactose)

Mon fondant chocolat et amandes (sans gluten ni lactose)

Mon fondant chocolat et amandes (sans gluten ni lactose)

Papapapapa, le feu de ça ! Un gâteau fondant de la mort 🤤 Pas de farine dans cette recette, elle est remplacée par de la poudre d’amandes qui lui donne une texture qui tue ! Pour le lait de vache, il peut être remplacé par…

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Vanilla Bean Brown Butter Cheesecake | Buttermilk by Sam

Vanilla Bean Brown Butter Cheesecake | Buttermilk by Sam

Vanilla bean cheesecake made even more wonderful with added brown butter to the crust and filling.

Colostomy Nutrition: My Food and Diet Tips

Colostomy Nutrition: My Food and Diet Tips

My diet as a colostomy patient wasn’t much different from my pre-ostomy days, and If you’ve just had an ostomy, you'll want to know what you can and can't eat & drink. Here you’ll find tips on my experience, the nutritional pattern I followed, my diet, and my general eating habits.

Sour Cream and Onion Smashed Potatoes.

Sour Cream and Onion Smashed Potatoes.

The the potatoes in beer, then smashing them down, and roasting with salted butter!

IC-Friendly Ramen Noodle Bowl

IC-Friendly Ramen Noodle Bowl

This recipe was created/modified by Kerri Cole to be IC safe. (@icfood4u) Makes 4 big bowls Ingredients: 🍜For the broth: 1 tablespoon sesame oil 1 clove garlic, minced 1 small carrot, peeled and shredded 4 ounces shiitake mushrooms, thinly sliced 1 1/2 cups thinly sliced baby bok choy 1/4 tsp ginger (if tolerated) 1 tablespoon brown sugar (more or less to taste) 48 oz chicken broth (IC safe brand) 2 tablespoons coconut aminos 🍜For the soup: 4 large eggs 12 ounces dried noodles Chicken, coo