Narration Helps

Narration Helps

Narration Helps

Narration is a cornerstone of a Charlotte Mason homeschool. Forget workbooks, expensive craft kits, and complicated busy work. Narration is a learning method that can be used for any age and for any subject. One of the greatest things about this…

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Understanding the Rule of Thirds in Photography

Understanding the Rule of Thirds in Photography

Understanding the Rule of Thirds in Photography - One of the easiest ways to improve your photography is to apply the rule of thirds when shooting.

Anatomy Doodle Notes- Urinary or Excretory System – Kidneys and Nephrons

Anatomy Doodle Notes- Urinary or Excretory System – Kidneys and Nephrons

Teaching about the urinary (excretory) system? Don't use boring notes! Keep students engaged with 3 pages of doodle notes as they learn about kidneys and nephrons! Illustrated notes are a fun method of note-taking that aids in memory by utilizing both hemispheres of the brain. Use them on their own, in a binder, or interactive notebook. Your students will love it! Includes 3 PAGES of doodle notes on the following topics: -Kidney: location of kidneys, renal capsule, renal cortex, renal pyramids, minor and major calyces, renal pelvis, ureter, renal vein, renal artery -Nephron: details of all 3 steps of urine…

Design a Zoo: Project Based Learning

Design a Zoo: Project Based Learning

I love the whole idea of project-based learning! The idea of addressing all subject areas in the context of one project makes so much sense, and allows for better real-life application. I had dabbled in PBL a little bit, but never to the extent of this project, in which I asked students to design a zoo. This was the perfect project for the end of our strange traditional-turned-virtual school year, and the kids really took it and ran with it! They were able to complete it at their own pace, collaborating with their families, and it went so well that…

50 Of The Best History Memes For Anyone Wanting To Learn More About Our Past

50 Of The Best History Memes For Anyone Wanting To Learn More About Our Past

It's a universal truth that a school subject is as interesting as its teacher or the materials they provide. Take history, for example. Memorizing dead people's names, distant places, and so many dates; at the wrong hands, it can become quite boring.

Themed Copywork Printables – Print & Cursive | Sallie Borrink

Themed Copywork Printables – Print & Cursive | Sallie Borrink

Copywork is a fantastic way for children to practice a number of writing skills. I've taken the concept of copywork in a bit of a different direction by offering a collection of fun facts about a wide variety of interesting subjects children enjoy. Each worksheet present the child with a fascinating fact coupled with a

54 photos colorisées venues tout droit du siècle dernier… Celle d’Albert Einstein va vous faire rêver !

54 photos colorisées venues tout droit du siècle dernier… Celle d’Albert Einstein va vous faire rêver !

Avant les années 70, la photographie en couleur était pratiquement inexistante. Il est parfois difficile pour nous de se représenter cette époque, que nous...

December FUN-Filled Learning with NO PREP!

December FUN-Filled Learning with NO PREP!

The Month of December is such a busy and fun time! I don't want learning to take a backseat, so I made some FUN-filled NO PREP Packets for the month of

Printable Bird Coloring Pages

Printable Bird Coloring Pages

Print This CraftWe’ve started our Printable Bird Coloring Pages to help you identify some of the birds you may find ... Read More

Sensory Break Ideas for Kids

Sensory Break Ideas for Kids

Are your kids antsy, bored, or having trouble sitting still? Maybe they need a brain break. You will love this printable list of brain break ideas for kids!