National museum builds Inuit art collection | CBC News

National museum builds Inuit art collection | CBC News

National museum builds Inuit art collection | CBC News

The Canadian Museum of Civilization has expanded its collection of Inuit prints with acquisition of 554 original, limited-edition works of art created over the last 15 years.

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Avoiding Tangents: 9 Visual Blunders Every Artist Should Watch Out For –

Have you ever been caught off-guard by a visual tangent in your art? When creating a composition there are so many different things to juggle that it's easy to miss even the obvious flaws - and that’s when tangents sneak in.

How whales sing underwater — Axios

How whales sing underwater — Axios

The songs of humpback, blue and other baleen whales are generated by the unusual anatomy of their larynx, according to a new paper.

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Если вы не одобряете такой типаж говорите. Но портреты таких милых красавиц в сети устойчиво популярны. И да, встречаются интересные художники, как Сэм Янг. Он живет в Торонто. У него есть канал на Youtube, аккаунт в Instagram (1,5 миллиона подписчиков) и пользовательский аккаунт. Он рисует…

Ultimate Guide to Florence’s Uffizi Gallery: History, Masterpieces & Tips

Ultimate Guide to Florence’s Uffizi Gallery: History, Masterpieces & Tips

Here's my complete guide to visiting Florence's beloved Uffizi Gallery. The Uffizi is one of the world's best museums, with a collection of outstanding Renaissance art. I identify and describe the Uffizi's must see masterpieces. I also must know tips for having an efficient visit to the often crowded Uffizi.