Escape to the future with a light, modern variation on classic shag carpeting! This exciting collection features a shorter pile that’s perfect for easy care and contemporary living. Wonderfully tactile, its thick texture provides a relaxed feel that adds warmth and subtle excitingity to the room. The heat-set twisted fibers produce a lively movement of color and texture that’s as durable as it is delightful, while our proprietary combination of dyeing methods creates depth and luminosity.60% Polypropylene 40% Polyester Machine Woven Frieze Shag This rug is available at our San Antonio Showroom. Please call one of our Rug Specialists at 1-888-944-6849 for additional information (available Monday through Saturday, 10am to 6pm Central Time). This item has been discontinued and only the size(s) listed here are available. The price has been reduced substantially, but our same great return policy is still effective. Place your order ASAP as these deals will sell out fast!
Buddhist Architecture Part 1 – What is a Pagoda?
Don’t you hate it when you get your pagodas crossed with your dagobas?! Well maybe not, but if you’re travelling through East Asia - particularly places
Oddworld :: Journey Into the Surreal Through the Art of Kilian Eng – The Hundreds
Even if you could care less about Black Sabbath or Sammy Hagar (Google them if needed), chances are you’ve come across the Heavy Metal movie if you have
Bright Ideas for Quirky Living Room Designs
Uncover ten tips to maximize natural light in tricky living rooms, including narrow spaces, minimal windows, corner fireplaces, multilevel, and more.
The Secret Formula For A Hip And Happenin’ 1970s Hallway – Edward George
Imagine stepping into a time machine and being transported back to the groovy era of the 1970s. As you open your eyes, you find yourself standing in a hallway
Maisons de campagne des environs de Paris : avec plans dessinées d’après nature : Petit, Victor, 1820?-1874 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
[4] p., 100 leaves of col. plates : 36 cm
まるで時間が止まったかのよう。郷愁感じる-関東地方の秘境駅-を訪れませんか | キナリノ
秘境駅という言葉は、1998年に鉄道フリーライター所澤秀樹氏が発刊した著書『列島周遊 もっとへんな駅!?』で登場してから知られるようになりました。やがて、日本の秘境駅訪問家の牛山隆信が全国の秘境駅を訪問し、テレビやWebサイトなどのメディアを通じて全国の秘境駅を紹介し、「秘境駅」という言葉は一躍有名となりました。人里から遠く離れ、駅へのアクセスが困難でありながらも、歴史を感じさせる駅舎、風情あるホームなど秘境駅は人々を魅了してやみません。今回は、関東地方にある風情あふれる秘境駅をご紹介します。