Okay But Really, Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong In?

Okay But Really, Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong In?

Okay But Really, Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong In?

It’s always good to triple-check, no?

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Human Body Unit – Brain & Nerves

Human Body Unit – Brain & Nerves

We are currently doing a short study of the human body. We recently finished up our unit on the Brain and Nerves, and here are some of the activities we did and resources we used.

Quatre artistes spécialisés en gifs animés à découvrir

Quatre artistes spécialisés en gifs animés à découvrir

Les artistes d’aujourd’hui savent investir les nouveaux médias. Voici quelques belles personnes qui font du GIF leur art !

A Making Manifesto to Help Your Students Take More Risks

A Making Manifesto to Help Your Students Take More Risks

A Making Manifesto to Help Your Students Take More Risks Creativity % %

Object pronouns vs subject pronouns – me or I, she or her? – Test-English

Object pronouns vs subject pronouns – me or I, she or her? – Test-English

Master the use of subject vs object pronouns like 'I' and 'me' with clear examples in our interactive A1 elementary English grammar lesson.

Tips for Teaching Photosynthesis

Tips for Teaching Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis... there was something about it that stumped me as a teacher. It was important to me that my kids understood the big picture and that they were able to answer their questions, but teaching it

Multiplication Songs and Tricks

Multiplication Songs and Tricks

What are Multiplication Posters and How Can They Help Students Learn Math? Multiplication posters are a great way to help students learn math. They offer visual cues and support to help students understand the concepts they are working on. These posters can be used in classrooms, homes, or anywhere else students need a little extra help with their math. By providing an easy-to-understand visual representation of the multiplication process, multiplication posters can make learning math easier and more enjoyable for students of all ages. With these tools, students can better understand multiplication and develop the skills they need to succeed…

Unschooling Math

Unschooling Math

What unschooling math looks like for my family and other unschooling families.

Adding Cooking to the Curriculum

Adding Cooking to the Curriculum

Facebook Twitter Pinterest What subjects do you teach in your homeschool? I’m willing to bet that Math and Language Arts are on the list, and probably Science and History too. You might even have Art, Music, and Bible included in your plans. I don’t know about you, but my list of “to-do’s” each day keeps […]