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5 Teaching Practices I’m Kicking to the Curb | Cult of Pedagogy
Are any of these ineffective teaching methods still part of your practice? Time to reconsider.
10 Creative Ways to Teach Vocabulary in Secondary ELA so it’s not Boring
Let's dive into some new options to teach vocabulary, for those who have the time and energy to pursue them. In this post and podcast, I'm sharing ten ideas for making the study of vocabulary something students might even look forward to.
Culture Photograph by Maygun Gauge, Manipulated on Canvas, 18 x 24 in – Fine Art Original Artwork For Sale on Saatchi Art.
About The Artwork I have a hard time with my art descriptions,I feel like if I were to explain or analyze my own works it takes a little of the mystery and relativity away, removes the veiwers ability to relate emotionally to my work. Art can be fickle and beauty most certainly is in the eye of the beholder, so I want whomever views my work to experience some sort of reaction. These works are my heart and soul's emotional reaction to the beauties and atrocities of life. Original Created:2021 Subjects:Culture Materials:Canvas Styles:AbstractAbstract ExpressionismConceptualFine Art Mediums:DigitalColorManipulated Details & Dimensions Photography:Digital…
Vibrant Opal 5 Painting by Marta Zamarska | Saatchi Art
About The Artwork oil on canvas Nature and the diversity of organic forms have inspired me to embark on my new project. The abstract works reflect the intensity and a wide range of colors of minerals, stones and rocks. On the soft surface of canvas I try to capture smoothness, roughness, transparency, the structure and texture of minerals and gemstones. Due to all-over composition the painting becomes the "mineral" itself, that is to say "oil mineral." The juxtaposition of contrasting colours, as well as monochromatic structures create a shimmering mineral kaleidoscope. Action painting and colour field painting of Abstract Expressionism…
12 Super Creative Curriculum Review Games and Ideas
Learn, review, repeat.