This one-pot recipe Spanish Chicken and Potatoes is full of flavor and vibrant color and is perfect served with a big piece of crusty white bread or over a steaming hot pile of rice. The recipe is one inspired from a tomato “salsa” my sweet host mother, Fatima, always made for me when I lived in Sevilla, Spain.
Momofuku’s Pickled Wild Leek/Ramp Bulbs • Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
(Step by step photos on how to pickle wild leek bulbs or ramp bulbs) [imagebrowser id=20] It’s the end of wild leek or ramp season, and what’s left in some markets are just the bulbs, which last much longer than the entire thing. For these strays, it’s best to pickle and preserve so that you’ll …
Coffee Flan
Coffee Flan: Flan is a charming little Spanish dessert! It's easy and fast to make and it tastes sooo good. And if you also like coffee, well then, this recipe is for you! I'll show you how to make traditional coffee flan as well as a few alternatives.
French Apple Cake with Maple Ginger Custard Sauce — b. sweet
A crunchy but also luxuriously moist apple cake is topped with a velvety maple ginger custard sauce with a hint of spiced rum. For the custard maple and fresh ginger is steeped in the milk. This really brings out the warmth and spice and highlights the tartness of the apple in the cake.
Vegetarische Bulgur-Bratlinge mit Minze-Joghurt-Soße | ars textura – DIY-Blog
Über die Feiertage gab es bei uns so viel Fleisch, dass mir im Moment gar nicht mehr danach ist. Kennt ihr das auch? Ich bin zwar keine Vegetarierin, aber ich esse schon sehr oft Gerichte ohne Fleisch. Deshalb gibt es heute meine super leckeren Bulgur-Bratlinge mit Minz-Dip. Yummy! Vegetarische Bulgur-Bratlinge mit Minz-Dip Zutaten für 4...Weiterlesen »
How To Make Yogurt in an Instant Pot (Step-by-Step)
A step-by-step guide to making creamy homemade yogurt in your Instant Pot.
So quick, easy, and fancy pants without any of the hard work! Served with the most amazing herb sauce. SO SO GOOD.