À Arles, l’artiste Pascal Monteil convoque des figures mythologiques, historiques ou amicales sur des toiles de chanvre. Elles s’expriment et se rencontrent à travers des scènes brodées, entre fiction et réalité.
Woman Leaves Her Boyfriend For Reacting Violently To A Super Bowl Commercial, Sparks An Important Conversation About Domestic Violence

It's okay to be passionate about a sporting event, but punching a wall is never necessary.
Ombre Puff Quilt – alternative techniques!

I told myself I'd never make another puff quilt. Yet, here I am.....sharing about my second puff quilt. (haha!) Don't get me wrong, I loved the process of making my first puff quilt, which you can read about here, but I honestly thought that we'd never have the need for another one. Well, over the last year, I slowly forgot how much work they are (haha) and I started getting the itch to do the process all over again! Peter uses my original puff quilt alllllll the time. He loves the weight of it, but his only complaint was that…
How to Make Paper Flowers

Did you know that you can make a beautiful paper flower in the same way that you make a paper snowflake?! It's so much fun! Learn how to make paper flowers by following our easy photo and video tutorials below. These kirigami flowers are SO PRETTY! And all it takes is a few simple folds and cuts to transform a single piece of paper into a beautiful flower. Design your own flower shapes or use our free PDF templates. (We have 9 different shapes to choose from!) This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something
25 Unique and Astoundingly Beautiful Basement Ceiling Ideas

It’s time to give more thought to the basement ceiling. Here are some basement ceiling ideas to get a cool looking basement.