Meet Garech Browne, the Guinness heir whose father raised pigs in their drawing room. And Gavin Pretor-Pinney, founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society. Tim Walker captures a cross section of proud standard-bearers in Britain’s long tradition of eccentricity.
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Groovy Fonts • 30 Typefaces for Hippies • Little Gold Pixel
In which I round up 30 groovy fonts that harken back to the psychedelic era of the 1960s and 1970s. For flower children and retro lovers alike.
12 Signs Someone Is Extremely Jealous Of You
Jealous people usually suffer from an inferiority complex and tend to covet the things that others have.
Guo Pei fashion Show in Singapore – be completely wowed!
Guo Pei is one of the most outrageous and creative designers in the world. Here is her amazing collection as show on Fide Fashion Week in Singapore.