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George Washington Carver – He Overcame Evil

George Washington Carver – He Overcame Evil

George Washington Carver was a brilliant man with a forgiving heart and deep desire to serve the Lord. He did amazing things even though he was born a slave. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Love your Liver!

Love your Liver!

Our livers are a very over-looked organ when it comes to daily life. Learn all about The Best Ways to Heal your Liver with Natural Liver Health Foods.

Homemade Fire Cider Recipe

Homemade Fire Cider Recipe

Come learn how to make traditional fire cider with our easy step-by-step recipe, plus extra optional ingredients to kick it up a notch! Full of healthy plants and herbs, homemade fire cider naturally supports your immune system and keep you healthy during the cold and flu season.



‘Braided Rawhide Strapping’ Leather strapping for handbag design can be made by braiding using the same leather skins used in the construction of the body of a handbag. Often rawhide th…

11 Incredibly Simple Hair Hacks You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner

11 Incredibly Simple Hair Hacks You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner

Get ready for seriously glorious hair (and like 10 minutes more sleep, obvi). For your perfect look, look no further than L'Oréal Studio Pro hair products so you can style like a pro!

Vertical Ridges On Fingernails: What Causes Them?

Vertical Ridges On Fingernails: What Causes Them?

Onychorrhexis are vertical ridges on the nails. They develop with age and are caused by lack of moisture. Find out how to deal with them.

Jennifer Aniston’s hairstylist shares his favourite style for the star

Jennifer Aniston’s hairstylist shares his favourite style for the star

Celebrity hairdresser Chris McMillan on his favourite style on Jennifer Aniston...