Possessive Adjectives in English – My, Your, His, Her, Its, Our, Your, Their – What are possessive adjectives? Examples sentences with possessive adjectives.
Computational Portraits Visually Translate a State of Limbo
Originally from Singapore and currently studying at the Rhode Island School of Design, artist Andre Wee constructs figurative and metaphoric
What Does the Bible Say About Not Speaking to Someone?
In the Bible, communication is key. It’s not just about talking, but also about listening and understanding. When it comes to not speaking to someone, the Bible urges caution. It’s not about giving someone the silent treatment out of spite. Instead, it’s about seeking peace, resolving conflicts, and sometimes, taking a step back to reflect ... Read more
230 Free Vintage Art Prints
This is a huge collection of Free Vintage Prints! These Printable Wall art pictures, include Animals, Butterflies, Architecture, Costumes etc
Rainbow Paper | Color Science for Kids
Make a rainbow paper craft that changes colors as the paper is tipped back and forth in sunlight! Create gorgeous rainbow patterns and designs while teaching children the basics of thin film interference. Add this rainbow paper experiment to your list of simple experiments for kids and creative art and STEAM projects!
Expositor 1.1
Expositor 1.1 is a handy slide-rule based exposure calculator for photography. Normal use: Pick the situation you're shooting, then slide the ruler until your camera's ISO is lined up next to it, and every combination of F-stop and shutter speed to the left will get you close to a perfect exposure. Advanced use, settings based on artistic intent: For a more creative example, let's calculate shooting sports on an overcast day with a shallow depth of field (F4) to isolate the subject, and a fast shutter (1/500s) to stop motion. Match the F-stop and speed, then check the ISO value…
Teach Students to Create Mood in Writing
Creating mood in writing is a lot easier than it sounds. Find out how to help your students with this important skill with this post!
How to use an onion for your osmosis lab – Science Lessons That Rock
I’m excited to share with you an EASY PEASY way for students to see osmosis in plant cells! In the past, I always used elodea leaves for this lab. Elodea can be hard to find at pet stores and is a little temperamental to keep alive. This year I decided to use onion skin from ... Read more