Western Philosophy Timeline. Continental Philosophy. Hellenistic/ Medieval. Rationalists. Empiricists. Kant. Ancient. Plotinus Augustine Anselm Abelard Aquinas Ockham. Descartes Leibniz Spinoza. Locke Berkeley Hume. Kant. Plato Aristotle. Analytic Philosophy.
6 Review Games Your Students Will Love
Some days you just need a break from the monotony! Preparing for exams, transitioning to a new unit, days when half your students are gone for a basketball tour
Step by Step Guide to Using Back Light
I love shooting with back light (where the light is behind your subject) as I think it helps create a much more dramatic picture. However, there can be some issues to getting this right, especially with exposure and focus, but by these following tips, along with practice, you will be shooti
Premium Tapioca Silk Charmeuse
Introducing a top quality Silk Charmeuse 44" - Tapioca - Premium Collection made especially for Mood. Of a medium weight, this superb silk features an exquisite drape along with a lovely sheen. Silk charmeuse fabrics are the ideal material for classic gowns, dresses, blouses, and lingerie. They make superior linings as well. Available in 95+ attractive shades. Note: Dye lots are subject to change up to 10% in either direction. Ordering swatches is HIGHLY recommended for these products.
Brilliant Spacesuit Timeline
If you're going up into space, you want to look good, right? You never know, you might bump into the alien of your dreams while you're up there. Bu...
Object Pronouns
Fun and engaging ESL activities, games and worksheets in printable PDF format with full teacher's notes and answers for English teachers to use in class.
Object pronouns vs subject pronouns – me or I, she or her? – Test-English
Master the use of subject vs object pronouns like 'I' and 'me' with clear examples in our interactive A1 elementary English grammar lesson.