Creating a HUGE Gallery Wall can be overwhelming but I’ve got you covered! 10 tips to help you make a wall that’s unique, cohesive, and beautiful!
Weaving Ideas for Kids: Yarn Weaving on a Cardboard Loom
Looking for weaving ideas for kids? Start out with yarn weaving on a cardboard loom. A fun project for older elementary/middle school grades.
Five Minute DIY Macrame Plant Hanger | xoxojackie | inspiration for creative living
Check out this tutoiral for creating an easy macrame plant hanger! A quick and easy project for beginners.
How to sew straight – a video sewing tutorial
I often get a question from my readers - how to sew straight? In this guide, I will show you how to easily keep stitching lines straight. I will talk about topstitching mostly because keeping seam allowances equal is a different topic. Have you ever had problems with crooked stitching lines? I bet you had. Even intermediate sewists are struggling sometimes to do it and had to rip and redo stitching. But sewing in a straight line is much simpler than you think. And I want to help you to sew straight every time.
107 Home Decoration Ideas To Jazz Things Up
We’re pretty sure that you’ve heard it all before - spring is for renewal and a fresh start. However, this phrase will probably never get old because spring and our wish to change things up a bit is such a huge part of being a human (well, eating might be first on the list, but all that spring renewal stuff is also pretty high up), that this phrase always rings true. Now, about that ‘changing things up a bit’ part - we all do it differently, but why not apply this rule to all new and fresh home decoration ideas?…
DIY: Sea Shell Sewing Kit
Read the article 'DIY: Sea Shell Sewing Kit' in the BurdaStyle blog 'Daily Thread'.
DIY, Sunglass Cases, Inspirational Small Sewing Projects | Evolve | Art Gallery Fabrics®
Evolve Fabric Lookbook Evolve by Suzy Quilts. Evolve is a captivating sequel to Suzy’s debut collection Duval, where 1960s New York menswear meets the allure of Key West. Embrace the tropical essence as new colors and motifs merge, creating a seamless harmony with Duval’s timeless fabrics. Watch these designs transform into something fresh and vibrant. …