Architectural Inspiration: 12 Modern Houses with Black Exteriors
We've noticed a trend in architecture: houses are going dark. All-black houses aren't for the Addams Family anymore - all the cool kids are doing it.
La storia delle case-torri tra le montagne del Caucaso
Usate a scopo abitativo e di difesa, queste torri hanno origini antichissime. Dovevano essere costruite in 365 giorni e ogni famiglia benestante del villaggio era tenuta a possederne una
Henning Larsen Architects Wins Siemens Headquarters Competition
And here's another one from Henning Larsen Architects: the Copenhagen-based firm has just been announced winner of the international competition for the planned rebuilding of
Three religions under a single roof – News & Stories at STYLEPARK
In Berlin a communal prayer and teaching hall for Christian, Jews and Muslims is destined to promote inter-religious dialog. And a book has now been published documenting the architectural competition, visualizing the challenge innate in designing a religious building for which there are no historical precedents.
Unlocking the Essence of Mid-Century Modern Bathroom Elegance
By Alan George Imagine stepping into a bathroom that transports you back to the golden age of design, where sleek lines, bold colors, and...
6 Gorgeous Micro Hotels That Will Fulfill All of Your Tiny Living Fantasies
Small on space, big on style.
Make 2024 Stylishly Eco-friendly Starting With Your Bathroom
(5 min read) New years should be all about new resolutions and fresh beginnings. Most of us are already considering redesigns and renovations, so our home fits our new mindset. However, as much as I’m all for embracing positive changes, there are some glorious trends we implemented in 2023, that