Raising the Roof – Birmingham Home & Garden

Raising the Roof – Birmingham Home & Garden

Raising the Roof – Birmingham Home & Garden

Architect Bill Moore takes a low-slung, one-story house from sad to sensational with some much needed height and plenty of space for entertaining.

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15 idées de décoration pour votre chambre à coucher

15 idées de décoration pour votre chambre à coucher

Joli Joli Design couvre l'aspect du design en privilégiant les artistes québécois.

Our New Neutral Low Pile Carpet – Life Love Larson

Our New Neutral Low Pile Carpet – Life Love Larson

Find details of our new neutral low pile carpet installed in three bedrooms. This color is the perfect neutral and goes with every style!

This Might Be The Most Bohemian Family Home Left in the Village.

This Might Be The Most Bohemian Family Home Left in the Village.

Artist and archivist Kore Yoors, the son of the artist Jan Yoors, tends to the family legacy.

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In these 15 home bedroom refresh ideas that go beyond simple redecoration, we will explore how personal experiences and expert insights can help transform

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Papers accumulate and take over small homes very quickly. Sure fire tips to help deal with homework, artwork, bills, cards, and art paper!

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Modern interior design – a guide to modern interior styles and design

Modern interior design styles can feel a bit confusing if you're trying to follow a specific decor look but this expert guidebook will help you through it

Converting a Bi-Fold Door

Converting a Bi-Fold Door

I’ve never been a fan of the bi-fold doors on our bedroom closet. My biggest complaint is that when the doors are open, as you see in the second photo, portions of the closet are almost inaccessible. And with two vain men sharing one small closet, we need all the space we can get! Rather than install new doors I decided to convert these bi-fold doors into swing-out doors.

maison de famille

maison de famille

Good home decor can totally change how a place feels. Decorating your home is all about doing what makes you happy.

40 Of The Best Interior Design Tips That Will Give You Massive Inspiration!

40 Of The Best Interior Design Tips That Will Give You Massive Inspiration!

40 Of The Best Interior Design Tips And Decorating Hacks That Will Give You Massive Inspiration. #7 Will Save So Much Money...