Repurposing a secondhand / vintage boot rack as drinkware storage

Repurposing a secondhand / vintage boot rack as drinkware storage

Repurposing a secondhand / vintage boot rack as drinkware storage

We don’t need a bigger space — we just need to creatively enjoy the space we have.

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30 ‘Eureka’ Moments From Lawyers Who Knew They Were Going To Win

30 ‘Eureka’ Moments From Lawyers Who Knew They Were Going To Win

If you ever wondered what kind of magic lawyers use to crack their cases open and win them, this read is for you.

Five Modern and Easy to Knit Baby Blanket Knitting Patterns — Fifty Four Ten Studio

Five Modern and Easy to Knit Baby Blanket Knitting Patterns — Fifty Four Ten Studio

Five easy-to-knit, modern baby blanket knitting patterns for DK and worsted #4 weight yarn. These “beginner friendly” baby blanket knitting patterns use only knit and purl stitches. I love hearing from knitters who used my patterns to make special baby blanket gifts for their friends and family.

Living With Fairies

Living With Fairies

Dear Fairy Followers, I noticed that Buncle was out early this morning with her wheelbarrow ...she was hurrying and scurrying ... collecting daisies... and Lolly was just as busy cutting roses. Buncle was spied in the undergrowth amongst the Love - In - The-Mist ( but the mist had all gone as by now it was 8 o'clock) and there was a general air of excitement in the air. Bees - Wax had ventured out of the house and was dusting the Roses ... and the fallen petals beneath were gathered up in the fairy baskets. I noticed that Lolly…

How to Design a Simple Art Quilt

How to Design a Simple Art Quilt

How to Design a Simple Art Quilt. Create an image and make it into an Art Quilt. Fabric scrap and fusible web will make it simple and quick

How to mend your clothes with Japanese stitching (sashiko) | aboderie

How to mend your clothes with Japanese stitching (sashiko) | aboderie

Sashiko is a Japanese hand-sewing style that was originally used by working class people as a means to mend used clothing and household items. But it is so much more than that! The even, geometric patterns of sashiko create a beautiful decorative effect, so that they go beyond being purely practical

This University Thought Nobody Would Notice They Made White Students Black, Then Someone Found The Original Pic

This University Thought Nobody Would Notice They Made White Students Black, Then Someone Found The Original Pic

French art school Émile Cohl in Lyon, decided to follow a "fake it till you make it" diversity campaign strategy to pull in prospective U.S students. The promo photo of their class on the American version of their school's website featured some of their 'black students' but something wasn't quite right.