Results for quiz i give u a silly creature based on ur music taste

Results for quiz i give u a silly creature based on ur music taste

Results for quiz i give u a silly creature based on ur music taste

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10 magnifiques inspirations de scrapbooking pour votre bullet journal – The 98’s Girl

10 magnifiques inspirations de scrapbooking pour votre bullet journal – The 98’s Girl

10 inspirations de pages de scrapbooking, pour sublimer votre bullet journal. Idées de scrapbooking de voyages, souvenirs, films, livres...

Tamara de Lempicka: Power and Decadence

Tamara de Lempicka: Power and Decadence

“I live life in the margins of society, and the rules of normal society don’t apply to those who live on the fringe.” In Tamara de Lempicka’s world women are fierce, independent and effortlessly stylish. Today her highly collectable paintings are potent symbols of a bygone era, capturing the sensuous glamour and decadence of the...

Palomo Spain presents “Orlando” (Fucking Young! Magazine)

Palomo Spain presents “Orlando” (Fucking Young! Magazine)

Orlando is the fiction character after whom Alejandro Gómez Palomo, the face behind Palomo fashion house, named his second collection. As he accurately represented the image the young designer had in

Eye Drawings to Teach You How to Draw Eyes – Beautiful Dawn Designs

Eye Drawings to Teach You How to Draw Eyes – Beautiful Dawn Designs

Learn how to draw eyes with these eye drawing ideas, tutorials and references. Also including anime eyes drawings and cartoon eyes.

How to Make Lucky Paper Stars: 7 Steps (with Pictures) – wikiHow

How to Make Lucky Paper Stars: 7 Steps (with Pictures) – wikiHow

Exquisite little paper stars can be used for decorations, jewelry, craft projects, and gift-giving. They're very easy to make, and they're a fun way to recycle a bit of junk mail into something colorful and decorative. If you want to make...

Amazing LEGO Creations Inspired By Classical Art Pieces

Amazing LEGO Creations Inspired By Classical Art Pieces

There's this weird correlation between LEGOs and life stages. If, at first, your only interest is to chew the blocks and smash them into one another, then later you actually start to build something out of them. After a while, your LEGO bricks are probably thrown into a dark corner of a closet, with only a few sneaky pieces left lying around for you to step on and swear loudly. Some years pass, and you suddenly remember your long-forgotten LEGO bricks, pull them out of the closet and start playing around, right when you thought you're fully grown-up and toys…